Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Main Volunteer House

This is where the volunteers usually hang out! This is the Amauta Spanish School where volunteers eat, take Spanish classes, and just relax. The first volunteer house that I posted on my blog is Amauta 2 which is just where more volunteers can stay (it's also the house that I stay at).


  1. Wow! Not too shabby! It looks like you're on vacation. I guess I imagined something more rustic and run-down. It's been great being able to get texts from you; Mom and I are so proud of you. How is the night life there? What all do you do when you're not in school? Still praying that God is able to use you when you least expect it. :) As always, be safe...and I love you! Dad

    1. I know, it's really nice! Very comfortable! The night life is fun. We usually just go out to eat some place and then maybe go somewhere to dance. We can also stay at the volunteer house and watch a movie or play games. There's lots to do during every hour in Cusco!

  2. Its been fun hearing about your trip! Keep the updates coming and take a lot of pictures. I know everyone here in the office can't wait to hear all about the trip. All the fantastic photos are making me jealous! Ben

    1. I'm glad I'm able to give updates so everyone can keep up with my adventures! I have LOTS of pictures to share! I'll definitely be in shape for this summer! There's tons of hiking here!

  3. When are you coming home? WHEN? Are you ready? It all looks really neato Western! Miss you not being CLOSER tho ;0) How are you feeling?

    Love to you!
    Auntie T.
